Please check out Tom’s Artwork at these locations:
The Summer Place Residences – Summer Street, Chelmsford, MA 01824
The following article about Tom Christiano and his artwork was published in the Lowell Sun newspaper
on October 29th, 2020. This article was written by Nancye Tuttle:
Nancye Tuttle
Lowell Sun
“The meaning of ART to me has to do with the inner expression:
of my soul…..of my emotions….and of my love for beauty.”
C.Thomas Christiano
“Thank you TC Christiano for your amazing talent and for making our world more beautiful. WE LOVE YOUR WORK!”
Joanne M.
“My hubby bought the acrylic for me and I absolutely LOVE it! It will be the first thing people see when they come into our home! You Tom are a local treasure!”
Joanne M.

Kathryn G.
“Tom Christiano is such a talented artist along with being a kind, thoughtful and compassionate gentleman.
This lovely and meaningful painting is right at home in our cozy guest suite.”
Onorina M.
“Love it! Thank you! Can’t wait for it to arrive.”Karen W.
“So lovely, Tom. Beautifully proportioned with a layered blue palette is stunning.”
Susan B.
“Beautiful Work.
Nancy P.
“Lovely. Really like the white frame too. Makes the trees pop.”
Deb. K.
“Love her! She’s beautiful and happy!” Kate K.
“You can feel the motion! Wonderful.”
Kathryn G.
“Excellent, Tom…!!!!”
Peter K.
“Beautiful job Tom”
Diane B.
“Tom, Just beautiful! Thank you for the beautiful art work! “
Cindi W.
“Love these vibrant colors! “
Karen F.
“This is so beautiful, dear Tom. I adore this ethereal style.”Onorina M.
“Absolutely beautiful” Annette D.
“Beautiful picture Tom.“
Joanne D.
“I love it.”
Betty O.
“I love the depth and movement in this! You get that sensation
that you are hanging in the sky looking at the mountains. Beautiful!”
Kathryn G.
“Love this picture and it is so nice to see your comments every morning.Have a great day Tom!”
M. Eiserman
“Oh, I love the green hued trees too!”
Deb K.
“I love the green and blue together! Great one, Tom!”
Maureen W.
“Love the greens!! Beautiful painting! Really love this!”
Carole G.
“I love this one so much!!
Denise A.
“These trees are lovely! Colors blended like your others and they play off each other so well. Beautiful again Tom”
Kathryn G.