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January 2, 2018 – My move to MASS in 1973

Today, January 2nd, 2018, is the 45th Anniversary of the day I moved here to Massachusetts from CT. I moved here to start working as a Federal Government Contract Price Analyst at Hanscom Air Force Base (called Hanscom Field at that time). I took the Federal Service Entrance Examination after I received my MBA Degree, which is how I qualified for the career position at Hanscom Field.

I had just $100.00 to my name, and the only place I could find to move into was the Lowell YMCA, where I rented a small room for $11.00 a week.

After living there for two weeks I moved into a furnished apartment in Acton.  The rent was $160.00 per month, furnished, and it had a swimming pool….a tennis court….and many single people who enjoyed getting together for parties. I was very fortunate to have found that place, and to have that great job at Hansom. The older I get the more I realize how lucky I was….first, to have been chosen for that career position at Hanscom AFB…and second, to have purchased this home here in Chelmsford a few years later, in 1977.

This is a photo of me painting in that “Viking Village” Apartment in Acton. At that time, I wanted to paint in an impressionistic style, like van Gogh, with patterned brush strokes, as you can see in this photograph. It seems to be in my nature, to paint with evenly patterned brush strokes (sometimes, I still paint that way). I still have that tree painting (shown in the background), which is hanging in my garage today. I gave this horse painting to my brother, as he had a horse by the name of Gray Dixie. I often enjoy looking at those early, primitive and expressive paintings, as they are all emotion and freedom, without following the normal rules of art (which often tend to “tame” us into conformity…..which I don’t like very much….I don’t like following “rules”).

I lived in that apartment in Acton for four and a half years….until I moved into my current home here in Chelmsford, in July of 1977. That was also one of the best decisions I have ever made….to buy this home in Chelmsford.

It has been a memorable 45 years for me, with plenty of ups and downs, as it is with everyone. I never regret though, moving here to MA 45 years ago. I can’t think of a better place to live in this country, than Chelmsford, MA….and I couldn’t find a better neighborhood anywhere.

I have much to be thankful for, as I start a New Year. (I’m one of those “strange, artsy types” of people who write in his journal every morning, printing out, by hand, some of the things I’m thankful for…. That helps me appreciate all the things that I have (health, felines, friends, etc), that are easy to overlook if I didn’t focus on them every morning, by writing them down.)

I hope you all have a wonderful & healthy 2018 as well.

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NOV 13, 2017 Thoughts about Life and Inner Peace

I thought I would share more of my daily meditation practice with you today. This is another quote by Wayne Dyer, a person who has inspired me to try and be a better human being for many decades now. The reason I hand print quotes – and have done so – also for decades, is that I prefer to live my life with inner peace if at all possible, and these quotes, that I re-read periodically throughout the day, are the best way that I have found to achieve that inner peace.

The many ways that human beings are now inundated with images of suffering, hatred, death and destruction each and every day make it an especially difficult time for a person to maintain his or her peace of mind…and sometimes, it’s challenging just to survive each and every day without going completely mad. It seems to me that we all have to find our own ways to achieve and maintain inner peace, each and every day. Life is so much better when we have inner peace – and – if we are even more fortunate – joy and love in our hearts. My daily meditation practice — with quotes and art — is my way to try to achieve those goals….I hope you all find you own best way to do the same.

I hope you have a week filled with inner peace, joy and love.

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Exhibit of my Paintings at Picture Yourself Gallery in Chelmsford

NOV 1, 2017 – I just returned from the Picture Yourself Frame Shop and Gallery in Chelmsford Center, where Roberta hung up five of my watercolors, as shown in this photo from today. My watercolors will be exhibited there in Roberta Witts‘ Shop for about a month, so please stop by if you have a chance, to check them out in person (and maybe buy one of them ). I’m sure Roberta and Ivana Valentich would love to see you. Here’s the link to the website for the Picture Yourself Shop, with the hours of operation, exact address, etc.:

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St. Mary’s Church – Pen & Ink

SEPT 28, 2017 –

Throwback Thursday – This is a Pen & Ink image that I drew for St. Mary’s Church 23 years ago, in 1994. The Church had a committee that was creating a new brochure for its members and they asked me to do some Pen & Ink drawings for it. This is another one of them (continuing from last Thursday) showing the interior of St. Mary’s Church. I’ll post more of these drawings on future Throwback Thursdays.

To see more of my Artwork, please visit my art exhibit on the first floor at the “Summer Place” on 20 Summer Street in Chelmsford (outside of the dining room)….and please visit my website at:

And I have six of my Limited Edition Art Prints hanging at the OM Studio in North Chelmsford, which is managed by my friend Sanjyot Lupo.

I hope you have a great day.

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Grapes & Wheat Pen & Ink Drawing

Throwback Thursday – This is a Pen & Ink image that I drew for St. Mary’s Church 23 years ago, in 1994. The Church had a committee that was creating a new brochure for its members and they asked me to do some Pen & Ink drawings for it. This is one of them. I’ll post more of these drawings on future Throwback Thursdays.

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Chair Pen & Ink – 1987

September 14, 2017

Throwback Thursday – This is a pen & ink drawing that I did in 1987 at Ferry Beach in Maine….thirty years ago. I remember sitting in front of this green leather chair and drawing this image. The seat of the chair was lopsided and higher on one side, with a small tear in the leather, as you can see in this drawing. That’s the great thing about drawing or painting something….you notice everything. I hope you have a great day.

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Inn – Cape Cod – Pen & Ink

September 7, 2017

Throwback Thursday – This is a Pen & Ink image that I drew in one of my Art-Quote books 23 years ago, in 1994. I was on a bicycle weekend trip with the Appalacian Mountain Club and we were staying at a nice Inn in West Falmouth, on the Cape. I remember sitting outside of this Inn and drawing this image of one side of the Inn and the birdbath. You really “see” and notice all the details of something if you draw it, as I learned from a book I had read back then entitled: ZEN AND THE ART OF SEEING.

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Tao Pen & Ink Drawing of 27 years ago.

This is a pen & Ink image that I drew in 1990….27 years ago.

I was on vacation at Ferry Beach in Maine, taking classes in Tai Chi and the Tao Te Ching. The students were in a big room during one of the classes and there was a beautiful stained glass piece of art on a tripod there, and I decided to try and draw it. The resulting drawing is shown here.

You can see, in the stained glass artwork, that there is a great deal going on in the top of the image, and nothing visible going on in the lower part. That is a reminder that there should be balance in life….with the material part of life counter balanced with the spiritual. I think of that every time I see this drawing of 27 years ago.

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Draw or paint what you see and you’ll always remember it.

Throwback Thursday – This is a pen & Ink Drawing that I did 24 years ago in 1993. I was on a bicycle trip with the Appalachian Mountain Club that weekend, in Nantucket. A few of us stopped biking for a while and sat on a bench in front of this “Island Breeze” clothing store. I took out my small art-quote book and my ink pens and drew this image right there. When you draw or paint something, you really look at it closely, and you tend to remember details that you never would have noticed, had you not created an art image of it.

I drew many pen & Ink images that weekend, and I always enjoy looking at them, and remembering that great weekend on Nantucket Island 24 years ago.

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Thoreau’s 200th Anniversary of his Birth – July 12, 2017

Today – July 12th, 2017 – is the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great writer, philosopher, and environmentalist Henry David Thoreau.  He was born in Concord, MA….and he lived in Chelmsford, MA as a young boy, from 1818 until 1821.  Thoreau’s sister Sophia was born in Chelmsford in 1818.

To honor the memory of Henry David Thoreau, I decided to paint this watercolor yesterday, on a pen & ink portrait of Thoreau that I drew many years ago.   In my opinion, Henry David Thoreau was one of the greatest Americans who has ever lived.  If we all followed his example of living simply and wisely, the earth would be in a much more sustainable.. cleaner…and peaceful  position today.

I am planning to take a ride to Walden Pond today, to commemorate the 200th Anniversary of Thoreau’s birth.  I am expecting many people there today.  Here’s another quote by Thoreau:

“I am convinced, both by faith and experience, that to maintain one’s self on this earth is not a hardship but a pastime, if we live simply and wisely.”

Henry David Thoreau


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Starry Night Drawing by T.C. after van Gogh

Starry Night drawing by Tom Chrisitiano, after van Gogh

Drawing by TC, after Van Gogh’s “Starry Night”

June 19, 2017

Today’s drawing is one I had created in 1983, after the famous “Starry Night” painting by Vincent Van Gogh.   What I’ve always admired about Van Gogh’s paintings are the rhythmic & patterned brush strokes. They are very interesting to me and they remind me of my own way of painting sometimes.  Vincent felt a lot of pain during his 37 years on this earth…and by working through that pain he left us with an artistic legacy of beauty and emotion that can never be duplicated.  

Tom Christiano

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To discover who we really are….


Posted on June 18th, 2017:

To discover who we really are, and then to live the life we were meant to live, was the essence of all that I was taught in Theological School. That is the only way one can truly be at peace. As the writer and teacher Joseph Campbell used to say on his PBS TV Shows “Follow your Bliss.”

Many people have a hard time discovering their essential nature. One of the ways we can find out who we really are is by keeping a daily Journal. By writing down our thoughts and feelings over a period of many years, we can see patterns emerge. Those patterns, by appearing over and over, show us what is important to us, and what sparks our interest and brings us joy and what doesn’t.

Then, the hard part comes….to follow the path that we were meant to live.  To ignore the pressures from society to conform to their way of thinking.  To be laughed at or dismissed as “different,” and yet to continue on your own path is not easy, yet it is the only way you will find inner peace and joy in this world. As Henry David Thoreau had written in WALDEN “Follow your own drummer, however measured or far away.”

Tom Christiano

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Welcome to Tom Christiano’s Website.

Welcome to Tom Christiano’s Website.  I will be uploading my art during the next couple of weeks.  Please check back periodically.  Thank you.

Tom Christiano is a New England artist specializing in serene watercolor landscapes and contemporary art.

Tom Christiano has been studying art for almost his entire life. His images are serene and uncluttered. They primarily reflect scenes depicting the natural world…. and they often are imagined images with creative colors and compositions.

Tom studied art at the DeCordova Museum School in Lincoln, MA, and at many other schools and colleges, including at Harvard College in Cambridge, MA & at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, CT.

Tom Christiano has earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Sacred Heart University, and a Master’s Degree from the University of New Haven.