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To discover who we really are….


Posted on June 18th, 2017:

To discover who we really are, and then to live the life we were meant to live, was the essence of all that I was taught in Theological School. That is the only way one can truly be at peace. As the writer and teacher Joseph Campbell used to say on his PBS TV Shows “Follow your Bliss.”

Many people have a hard time discovering their essential nature. One of the ways we can find out who we really are is by keeping a daily Journal. By writing down our thoughts and feelings over a period of many years, we can see patterns emerge. Those patterns, by appearing over and over, show us what is important to us, and what sparks our interest and brings us joy and what doesn’t.

Then, the hard part comes….to follow the path that we were meant to live.  To ignore the pressures from society to conform to their way of thinking.  To be laughed at or dismissed as “different,” and yet to continue on your own path is not easy, yet it is the only way you will find inner peace and joy in this world. As Henry David Thoreau had written in WALDEN “Follow your own drummer, however measured or far away.”

Tom Christiano